In 2012, supported by the UNDP’s Integrated Local Development Project (ILDP), the participating municipalities adopted the integrated sustainable development strategies and started their implementation as of January 2014. However, local governments in Bosnia and Herzegovina greatly lacked the capacity to translate the documents into viable implementation plans (including a 3-year indicative budget planning – 1+2 and linking the plans with the prospective programme budgeting approach). In addition, the municipalities did not have an appropriate institutional framework for managing development, in terms of strategy planning, monitoring, evaluation and reporting on its implementation.
DCG delivered of high-quality technical assistance, facilitation, institution building, procedure preparation and training of the municipalities and their socio-economic partners in the process of transforming their local development strategies into operational and implementable documents, to be further translated into concrete development interventions to the benefit of local communities.
Transforming strategy into annual work plan aligned with the LG budget (preparation of implementation plans, annual departmental plans and annual municipal plans)
Strengthening the local development management function (assessment of the current status and recommendations for establishing a development management unit, HR capacity building, preparation of Procedures for Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation and Reporting,)
Strengthening local project capacity (support in the process of project preparation for funding)
Fostering partnership and dialogue between local governments and the private sector
Improving knowledge and skills for strategy planning, monitoring, evaluation and reporting