The Municipal Infrastructure Credit Line Project (MICLP), funded by KfW, implemented by the Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities (SCTM) and technically supported by GFA, sought to learn about the implementation status of more than 150 individual KfW-funded infrastructure projects undertaken by approximately 50 Serbian local governments, funded with nearly 50 million EUR through the KfW. The exact portfolio structure - in terms of individual projects and their cost - was not exactly known, as most local governments during MICLP had bundled several projects into one loan request, and project lists and/or the projects’ respective cost estimates had frequently changed during the course of their financing and implementation.
Collected information on all 150 projects’ status and results
Drafted for the KfW client a methodology for selecting projects for auditing and impact assessment/quality control
Drafted a plan for the design of follow–up activities in Serbia, and which could be used in support of planning of similar activities in other countries
Prepared a report about the status of both the credit line and the projects that have received financing
Conducted promotional activities, including public relations and communications tasks related to promoting the KfW credit line among potential beneficiary municipalities
Prepared brochures, leaflets, posters and training materials concerning potential KfW credit line benefits to street lighting modernization, water system establishment/reconstruction and modernization, and enhancing energy efficiency
Designed and delivered training to KfW municipalities regarding how to obtain and use the KfW credit lines
Organized and facilitated public and media events, conferences and workshops concerning benefits of KfW credit lines in promoting street lighting modernization, water system establishment/reconstruction and modernization, and energy efficiency