USAID Government Accountability Initiative - Enabling public oversight over delivery of local services in Municipality of Raška


Providing technical assistance to the Municipality of Raška to establish effective mechanisms for public oversight over local public investments in utilities/infrastructure and quality of implemented works.

Project activities – DCG:

Development of methodology for public monitoring of public investments in local infrastructure/utilities.  It should describe in detail each phase of the process (such as mobilization of community leaders or groups to support implementation, preparatory groundwork, development of input tracking matrix, data collection and reporting, scoring, organization of focus groups of service users, performance criteria, service-provider self-evaluation, summarizing the scores and analyzing obtained results and other).

Development of Community Generated Score Card or another appropriate tool that will enable assessment, monitoring and evaluation of local public investments in Raška based on the Annual Investment Plan for 2019. It should be based on understandable, simple, and measurable inputs and performance indicators and enable participants to collect data and make conclusions in line with the proposed methodology.

Development of awareness raising/communication plan – The communication plan should indicate activities required to inform the public about planned public investments in utility infrastructure in 2019 and to raise awareness about benefits of public oversight over their delivery.  The plan should profile key themes for public awareness campaign,  including the  audience/target groups, define specific communication channels for each target group,  provide examples of tailored messages for each target group, chose activities and materials for public communication, and select partners including CSOs from Raška and the region, local communities’ representatives (“mesne zajednice”), journalists, etc.

Support to presentation of Annual Investment Plan for 2019 and indicators in geographic areas where infrastructure projects are implemented in cooperation with local officials (minimum two presentations targeting urban and rural communities).

Organization of one or more workshops for municipal staff from relevant organizational units (such as spatial and construction planning, local economic development, mayor’s cabinet, municipal council etc.) to present the methodology and the tool.